Dries Verhoeven naar Baltic Circle 2014

09 november 2014 t/m 16 november 2014

door: Baltic Circle International Theatre Festival

Less than fifty years ago, peculiar people were still put on show at fairs and in the circus. The audience would marvel at these exceptional creatures. Maybe looking at the exception gave them that reassuring feeling of being normal.

In Ceci n'est pas..., Dries Verhoeven will put eight contemporary exceptions to the rule on show. Every day, in a small glass box in the city centre, a different scene will be shown; images we do not generally encounter in public spaces. People are arrayed behind soundproof glass like rare relics. These images, quite out of the ordinary, unveil our collective unease. In this way, Dries hopes to unleash a discussion with casual passers-by about contemporary controversies.

Ceci n'est pas... was developed within the context of "Second Cities - Performing Cities" and premiered in may 2013 at SPRING Festival in Utrecht (NL). Ceci n’est pas... has been shown in Mülheim (DE), Strasbourg (FR), Poitiers (FR), Krems (AT), Basel (CH), Lausanne (CH), and Hamburg (DE).

Dries Verhoeven's work is best known for site-specific or location-based theatre and installations where the spectator is involved in a dynamic relationship to the performer. His work is highly distinctive in combining unusual, visually poetic, theatrical experiences with a critical view of contemporary cultural norms and society. Recent projects are co-produced with both museums and international festivals across Europe.

9–16 November 2014
Lasipalatsi square, Helsinki, Finland

About the festival
Baltic Circle is an International Contemporary Theatre Festival organized every November in different performance specific venues in Helsinki. Baltic Circle brings contemporary international performances to Finland and presents the new talents of Finnish contemporary theatre. Next festival will take place from the 9th to the 16th of November 2014. Programme will be announced September 10th.
Find out more at balticcircle.fi


Grant for Dutch presentations abroad

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