My fund

To apply for a grant, you need a My Fund account. You can create this account yourself. You first register as a person. Then you can link yourself as a contact person of an organisation that is already known in My Fund. After a maximum of two working days, you can then submit applications on behalf of this organisation.

If the organisation is new to the Performing Arts Fund, you can register this new organisation yourself.
Applying as a private individual
You can submit an application as a private individual for a number of schemes at the Performing Arts Fund. In that case, an awarded subsidy will be paid into a private bank account in your name.
Applying as an organisation
Most schemes can only be applied for on behalf of an organisation. You must then submit the application as a contact person for the organisation. An awarded grant will be paid into a business bank account in the name of the organisation.
Change contact details
Do you already have an account for My Fund, but would you like to change your contact details or those of your organisation? You can do this directly in My Fund.
Change main contact person
If you become the new contact person for your organisation, the current applications will still be linked to the contact person who initiated the application. It is important to have these applications transferred to the correct contact person, so that all communication about the application, grant and grant obligations is sent to the correct person. To transfer applications, please contact us via
If you have any questions about submitting a grant application, you can e-mail us via You can also reach us by telephone on 070-7072700 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).