Grant for Dutch presentations abroad

The Performing Arts Fund NL can award a grant to venues and festivals abroad to programme performances and concerts by Dutch companies, ensembles and performers. This grant can only be applied for by a venue or festival based outside the Netherlands.

submission dates

Apr 25
Jul 25
Sep 25
Start your application at My Fund
Who is eligible?
The grant can be applied for by a venue or festival based outside the Netherlands with a substantial international programme. Grants will not be provided if the first presentation takes place within 4 months after the deadline.
What type of performances can be applied for?
Parties can apply for support to programme performances or concerts by companies, ensembles or performers based in the Netherlands. It is also possible to submit an application for more than one performance by a single organisation or for multiple performances by more than one organisation.
Assessment criteria
All applications are assessed with reference to the following criteria:

  • The venue’s international standing;
  • The significance of the presentation for the organisation(s) to be presented;
  • The effects of the presentation on the prominence or visibility of Dutch performing arts abroad;
  • Contribution to Dutch International Cultural Policy.
What is the grant amount?
The grant amount is determined on the basis of travel and transport costs for the performance(s) or concert(s) concerned. An additional contribution towards the costs of fringe programming (e.g. workshops, masterclasses, lectures) can be awarded where applicable.
How and when can you apply for a grant?
The submission dates can be found at the top of this page. The activity for which you are applying for a grant cannot start earlier than four months after the final submission date.

To submit your grant application, you need a password (login code). If you already have a password, you can log in via My Fund/Mijn Fonds. If you don't have a password yet, you can request one here. The creation of a password can take several days.

Prior to submitting your application, please consult the guidelines at the bottom of this page.
Per application round, there is a budget of 1.070.000 samen euros available for international projects. This budget includes the grants for Dutch presentations abroad, international performances and concerts in the Netherlands and international co-productions.
Draft applications
You can submit a draft application to us before applying for a grant. We can then advise you about your application.

Draft applications are assessed until three weeks before the deadline. Would you like to make use of this option? Then e-mail the draft application to
Have a question about the Grant for Dutch presentations abroad? Send us an e-mail via or call us on +31 (0)70-7072700 (Monday to Friday, 9.00-17.00 CET).

Explanation: grant applications for Dutch presentations abroad

Guidelines: grant applications for Dutch presentations abroad

Annemieke Keurentjes
Annemieke Keurentjes
Secretary for Internationalisation
Marieke van Wamel
Marieke van Wamel
Grant Coordinator
Ferida Yildiz
Ferida Yildiz
Grant Consultant
Joan Biekman
Joan Biekman
Grant Consultant


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Photo: Hans Gerritsen
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photo Jan Versweyveld
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