Jefta van Dinther is awarded Swedish Dance Prize

10 April 2014

Jefta van Dinther is awarded "The Dance Prize 2013" from the Swedish Association of Theatre Critics for the work Plateau Effect with Cullberg Ballet.
The jury's motivation reads as follows: “The dance prize 2013 is awarded to choreographer Jefta van Dinther, who in a short period of time has moved from intimate and intensive works into a bigger scale with Plateau Effect for the Cullberg Ballet. The individuals become part of a visually striking, living organism. The well-timed rhythmic breathing and the generous take on the components of performing arts, intricately renders a “new choreography” – a visual arts of movement – visible, but open and interpretable for all.”
One of the creators we support: Vernon Chatlein. Photographer: Sandra Zegarra Patow. Production: Voices from Letters: Kiminá.
One of the creators we support: Vernon Chatlein. Photographer: Sandra Zegarra Patow. Production: Voices from Letters: Kiminá.
Photo: © Ralph Winedt & Luan Buleshkaj - Distanshá
Photo: © Ralph Winedt & Luan Buleshkaj - Distanshá